Chair: Marc Payne, Ashe County High School
Region Representatives
Region 1: Charles Simmons, Hertford High School
Region 2: Darren Hulen, Lakewood High School
Region 3: Angie Miller, Nash-Rocky Mount County Schools
Region 4: Michael Baker, Fairmont High School
Region 5: Steve Bare, Thomasville High School
Region 6: Angela Chrismon, South Rowan High School
Region 7: TBD
Region 8: TBD
Staff Advisor: Que Tucker
Committee Coordinator: Kim Newman
Committee Charge
In April of every year, this committee holds its annual meeting to review the list of Nominees to fill vacant positions on the Board of Directors. Those nominees are then forwarded to the Board of Directors for submission at the Annual Meeting to be voted on by the membership. The Annual Meetings are usually in May.
Click to download the form and nominate someone for the April meeting.