First Name | Last Name | School/Unit | County | Region(s) | Years of Service |
E. E. | Adkins | Rocky Mount | Nash | 3 | 1954-1955 |
Vernon | Aldridge | Cumberland County | Cumberland | 4 | 2019-2023 |
Arthur S. | Alford | Pitt County | Pitt | 1 | 1974-1981 |
Brad | Allen | Officials Regional Supervisors | Affiliate | 4 | 2016-2018 |
E. S. | Allgood | Mebane | Alamance | 5 | 1968-1972 |
Lee | Andrews | High Point | Guilford | 5 | 1987-1991 |
H. M. | Arndt | Catawba County | Catawba | 7 | 1967-1971 |
F. L. | Ashley | Gastonia | Gaston | 6 | 1948-1953 |
Glenn | Auman | Hillsborough | Orange | 3 | 1967-1971 |
George R. | Autry | Hoke County | Hoke | 4 | 1970-1974 |
Ken | Avent | North Duplin | Duplin | 2 | 1977-1981 |
Paige | Badgett | North Surry | Surry | 7 | 2022-Present |
Michael | Baker | Fairmont | Robeson | 4 | 2002-2007 |
Walt | Baker | North Rowan | Rowan | 6 | 1983-1987 |
Tony | Baldwin | Buncombe County | Buncombe | 8 | 2012-2016 |
David | Ball | N.C. Athletic Dir. Assoc. | Affiliate | 8 | 2010-2014 |
Kymm | Ballard | NCDPI | Affiliate | 3 | 2005-2008 |
Bettie | Ballard | Northampton West | Northampton | 3 | 2002-2006 |
Theresa | Banks | Madison | Madison | 8 | 1994-2001 |
Coleman | Barbour | Whiteville | Columbus | 4 | 1999-2003 |
Glenn | Barger | Catawba County | Catawba | 7 | 1998-2000 |
Frank | Barger | Hickory | Catawba | 7 | 1973-1977 |
Debra | Barham | Western Guilford | Guilford | 5 | 1999-2001 |
Daryl | Barnes | Trinity, Wheatmore | Randolph | 5 | 2006-2008 |
Fred | Bartholomew | Princeton | Johnston | 3 | 1981-1985 |
Stephen | Basnight | Dare County | Dare | 1 | 1985-1988 |
H. J. | Beeker | Rowland, Snow Hill | Robeson | 4 | 1948-1955 |
Pat | Best | Goldsboro | Wayne | 2 | 1984-1988 |
Ronnie | Beverly | Lexington | Davidson | 5 | 2019-2022 |
M. W. | Bird | Oak Grove, Durham | Durham | 3 | 1948-1950 |
Carla | Black | Concord | Cabarrus | 6 | 2011-2017 |
Alvis | Black | Mamers | Harnett | 4 | 1969-1973 |
Neil | Blankenship | Swain County | Swain | 8 | 2017-2020 |
Chris | Blanton | Watauga | Watauga | 7 | 2019-Present |
Delma | Blinson | Garner Greenville | Wake Pitt | 3 1 | 1980-1984 |
Rusell | Blunt | Hillside | Durham | 3 | 1971-1973 |
Donald | Bonner | Robeson County | Robeson | 4 | 1979-1986 |
Carroll | Bowen | Lexington | Davidson | 5 | 1962-1965 |
Robert F. | Bower | Winston-Salem | Forsyth | 5 | 1969-1971 |
Tom | Braaten | Charlotte | Mecklenburg | 6 | 1954-1957 |
C. W. | Bradbur | Brevard | Transylvania | 8 | 1963-1970 |
Earl | Bradshaw | South Caldwell | Caldwell | 7 | 1987-1988 |
Sally | Bradshaw | Fred T. Foard | Catawba | 7 | 2011-2012 |
W. B. | Brannin | Charlotte | Mecklenburg | 6 | 1948-1951 |
Ralph A. | Brimley | Winston-Salem | Forsyth | 5 | 1950-1953 |
Phil | Britnall | Hendersonville Brevard | Henderson | 8 | 1990-1994 |
Leon | Brogden | Wilmington | New Hanover | 2 | 1955-1956 |
David | Brown | Officials Regional Supervisors | Affiliate | 8 | 2019-2022 |
F. Lawson | Brown | Lexington, Davidson | Davidson | 5 | 1968-1972 |
William H. | Brown | Gaston County | Gaston | 6 | 1971-1975 |
Roy | Brown | Smithfield | Johnston | 3 | 1965-1969 |
Mike | Brown | New Hanover County | New Hanover | 2 | 1987-1991 |
R. Paul | Buchanan | Jackson County | Jackson | 8 | 1968-1975 |
Patricia | Burden | Goldsboro | Wayne | 2 | 2008-2011 |
Frank | Burrell | Sylva-Webster | Jackson | 8 | 1982-1986 |
Ron | Butler | Pitt County | Pitt | 1 | 2012-2017 |
Jim | Butler | Richmond Sr. | Richmond | 4 | 2023-Present |
Kent | Byrd | Alamance County | Alamance | 5 | 2006-2010 |
Wayne | Byrd | Westover | Cumberland | 4 | 1978-1982 |
Mark | Byrd | Wilkes County | Wilkes | 7 | 2019-2023 |
Lewis S. | Cannon | Pinehurst | Moore | 4 | 1951-1955 |
Everette | Carlton | Gaston County | Gaston | 6 | 1978-1982 |
I. Ted | Carter | Gastonia | Gaston | 6 | 1954-1957 |
Jacob M. | Carter | Stanly County | Stanly | 6 | 1971-1975 |
Brian | Carver | Enka | Buncombe | 8 | 2021-present |
Page | Carver | Ashbrook | Gaston | 6 | 2007-2011 |
Ronnie | Chavis | Robeson County | Robeson | 4 | 1994-1998 |
Norris | Childers | Lincoln County | Lincoln | 6 | 1976-1980 |
Bill | Church | NCDPI Mount Airy | Affiliate Surry | 7 | 1988-89 2000-04 |
Charles | Clark | Northside-Pinetown | Beaufort | 1 | 2017-2018 |
R. A. | Clendenin | Page | Guilford | 5 | 1982-1986 |
Teresa | Coleman | West Bladen | Bladen | 4 | 2007-2008 |
Vincent J. | Columbo | Rocky Mount | Nash | 3 | 1970-1971 |
Howard | Combs | Beaver Creek | Ashe | 7 | 1980-1984 |
Glenn | Cook | North Surry | Surry | 7 | 1986-1990 |
C. E. | Cooke | Durham | Durham | 3 | 1959-1961 |
Brad | Craddock | Glenn | Forsyth | 5 | 2014-2020 |
Robert | Culton | Chapel Hill | Orange | 3 | 1963-1967 |
Mac | Cumbo | North Henderson | Henderson | 8 | 1998-2001 |
Bill | Cutts | Guilford County | Guilford | 5 | 1991-1995 |
Robert D. | Deaton | R.J. Reynolds | Forsyth | 5 | 1972-1979 |
Boyce | Deitz | Swain County | Swain | 8 | 1986-1990 |
James | Dew | Winston-Salem | Forsyth | 5 | 1971-1972 |
W. E. | Dole | Fayetteville | Cumberland | 4 | 1948-1949 |
O. A. | Dowd | Greenville | Pitt | 1 | 1955-1958 |
Gary | Drinnen | Central Cabarrus | Cabarrus | 6 | 1988-1992 |
Chad | Duncan | Gaston County | Gaston | 6 | 2021-present |
James K. | Edens | Person | Person | 3 | 1973-1978 |
Brian | Edkins | Scotland Cape Fear | Scotland Cumberland | 4 | 2019-2021 |
C. M. | Edson | Rocky Mount | Nash | 3 | 1951-1954 |
Worley | Edwards | West Columbus | Columbus | 4 | 2006-2007 |
Bob | Edwards | Madison County | Madison | 8 | 1982-1988 |
Edward | Emory | Brevard | Transylvania | 8 | 1972-1974 |
L. Guy | Ensley | Skyland | Buncombe | 8 | 1959-1963 |
William | Eutsler | Rockingham | Rockingham | 5 | 1961-1965 |
Theresa | Evans | North Iredell | Iredell | 7 | 2012-2014 |
Patty | Evers | East Bladen | Bladen | 4 | 2015-2019 |
Kellum | Fipps | Officials Regional Supervisors | Affiliate | 4 | 2000-2006 |
Jim | Fleming | South Granville | Granville | 3 | 1990-1994 |
Emmett | Floyd | Catawba Pitt County | Catawba Pitt | 7 1 | 1988-1992 |
Judy | Flynn | Guilford County | Guilford | 5 | 1982-1986 |
Rick | Foreman | North Stokes | Stokes | 5 | 1999-2002 |
Tim | Foster | Southwest Onslow | Onslow | 2 | 2016-2020 |
A. D. | Fox | Louisburg | Franklin | 3 | 1966-1970 |
Barbara | Foxx | Pinecrest | Moore | 4 | 1995-1999 |
Joe | Franks | N.C. Coaches Association | Affiliate | 5 | 2015-Present |
Diane | Frost | Asheboro | Randolph | 5 | 2002-2010 |
Michael | Gainey | Rocky Mount | Nash | 3 | 2019-2022 |
Stephen | Gainey | Randolph County | Randolph | 5 | 2019-Present |
Charles | Gainey | Clinton | Sampson | 2 | 1993-1997 |
Mark | Garrett | McDowell | McDowell | 8 | 2020-Present |
David | Gentry | Murphy | Cherokee | 8 | 2014-2017 |
Sandy | George | Mount Airy | Surry | 7 | 2014-2021 |
A. B. | Gibson | Laurinburg | Scotland | 4 | 1948-1949 |
Willie | Gilchrist | Halifax County | Halifax | 3 | 1998-2002 |
Willie | Gillespie | James Kenan | Duplin | 2 | 1998-2001 |
Lody | Glenn | Grimsley | Guilford | 5 | 1980-1982 |
Wallie | Green | Pinecrest | Moore | 4 | 1975-1979 |
Maurice | Greene | Guilford County | Guilford | 5 | 2010-2015 |
Paul | Gregory | North Wilkes | Wilkes | 7 | 1975-1977 |
Jack | Groce | Watauga | Watauga | 7 | 1982-1986 |
M. D. | Guthrie | Wallace-Rose Hill | Duplin | 2 | 2012-2016 |
Bobby | Guthrie | Wake County | Wake | 3 | 2007-2011 |
L. S. | Guy | Duplin County | Duplin | 2 | 1988-1992 |
W. J. | Hair | Bladen County | Bladen | 4 | 1984-1988 |
Wendell | Hall | N.C. School Boards Assoc. | Affiliate | 1 | 2011-Present |
Hugh | Hamilton | Asheville | Buncombe | 8 | 1967-1971 |
Vicki | Hamilton | Charlotte-Mecklenburg | Mecklenburg | 6 | 2002-2007 |
T. T. | Hamilton | Wilmington | New Hanover | 2 | 1948-1949 |
Norma | Harbin | West Forsyth | Forsyth | 5 | 1983-1987 |
Bruce | Hardin | A.L. Brown | Cabarrus | 6 | 1995-1999 |
Charles | Harrill | N.C. School Boards Assoc. | Affiliate | 4 | 1999-2000 |
Pat | Harrill | Perquimans County Dare County | Perquimans Dare | 1 | 1985-1991 |
J. W. | Harrington | Burlington | Alamance | 5 | 1965-1973 |
Dave | Harris | Charlotte-Mecklenburg | Mecklenburg | 6 | 1977-1981 |
Perry | Harrison | Chatham County | Chatham | 5 | 1976-1980 |
Bill | Harrison | Orange County Cumberland County | Orange Cumberland | 3 4 | 1997-2004 2007-2009 |
Darrin | Hartness | Davie County | Davie | 5 | 2015-2019 |
Jim | Henderson | Chocowinity | Beaufort | 1 | 1993-1997 |
Richard | Hicks | Hillside, Durham | Durham | 3 | 1989-1997 |
Joe | Hicks | Cullowhee | Jackson | 8 | 1963-1967 |
Bennie | Higgins | Ben L. Smith | Guilford | 5 | 1989-1995 |
Don | Hipps | Canton | Haywood | 8 | 1952-1954 |
Stewart | Hobbs | Sampson County Stokes County | Sampson Stokes | 2 5 | 2007-2013 |
Fred | Hobson | Yadkinville | Yadkin | 7 | 1956-1962 |
J. F. | Hockaday | Sanford | Lee | 4 | 1965-1970 |
Paul | Hoggard | Richmond, John A. Holmes | Richmond | 4 | 2014-2017 |
Jack | Hoke | Alexander County | Alexander | 7 | 2000-2004 |
Ralph | Holloway | West Carteret East Carteret | Carteret | 2 | 1999-2007, & 2010-2011 |
Wayne | Hoover | Lexington | Davidson | 5 | 1963-1967 |
W. A. | Hough | Charlotte | Mecklenburg | 6 | 1967-1971 |
Sherry | Hoyle | Lincoln County | Lincoln | 6 | 2015-2017 |
Joe | Hunt | Hendersonville | Henderson | 8 | 1968-1972, 1974-1978 |
Jack | Huss | R-S Central | Rutherford | 8 | 1998-2002 |
John V. | Idol | Millers Creek Rockingham | Wilkes Rockingham | 7 5 | 1961-1965 |
Harold | Ingram | Clarkton | Bladen | 4 | 1974-1978 |
Larry | Ivey | Montgomery County, NCDPI | Montgomery | 4 | 1988-1992, & 1994-1998 |
Rob | Jackson | Edenton-Chowan Carteret County | Chowan Carteret | 1 2 | 2017-2021 |
Gerald D. | James | Snow Hill Wayne County | Greene Wayne | 2 | 1962-1969 |
Robert | Jamieson | Greensboro | Guilford | 5 | 1967-1971 |
Burt | Jenkins | NCDPI | Affiliate | 3 | 2014-Present |
O. P. | Johnson | Kenansville | Duplin | 2 | 1953-1956 |
D. S. | Johnson | Rocky Mount | Nash | 3 | 1961-1965 |
Sam | Jones | West Stokes | Stokes | 5 | 2022-Present |
N. E. | Jones | Harnett County | Harnett | 4 | 1973-1977 |
Norris | Jones | Bryson City | Swain | 8 | 1959-1963 |
C. R. | Joyner | Winston-Salem | Forsyth | 5 | 1948-1962 |
F. D. | Kesler | Henderson | Henderson | 8 | 1957-1961 |
Carroll | King | Raleigh | Wake | 3 | 1956-1960 |
Henry | Kluttz | West Rowan | Rowan | 6 | 1992-1997 |
Joe | Kornegay | Washington | Washington | 1 | 1948-1951 |
H. M. | Kyzer | Hamlet | Richmond | 4 | 1948-1951 |
Regina | Lambert | A.C. Reynolds | Buncombe | 8 | 2008-2011 |
Larry | Lancaster | N.C. School Boards Assoc. | Affiliate | 4 | 2000-2006 |
Martha | Land | Mount Tabor | Forsyth | 5 | 1995-2002 |
Sandra | Langley | SouthWest Edgecombe | Edgecombe | 3 | 1994-1998 |
Don | Lassiter | Elkin | Surry | 7 | 1995-1998 |
Elbert | Lassiter | Officials Regional Supervisors | Affiliate | 5 | 2022-Present |
W. R. | Latham | Clarkton | Bladen | 4 | 1948-1950 |
John | Lawrence | Randolph County | Randolph | 5 | 1980-1983 |
Jerome | Leathers | Southern Durham | Durham | 3 | 2022-Present |
R. E. | Lee | Moore County | Moore | 4 | 1964-1971 |
R. B. | Lee | Robersonville | Martin | 1 | 1969-1973 |
Clint | Legette | Lexington | Davidson | 5 | 1977-1981 |
Irie | Leonard | Southern Pines | Moore | 4 | 1954-1957 |
Robbie | Lester | NCDPI | Affiliate | 7 | 1989-1992 |
Jasper | Lewis | LaGrange | Lenoir | 2 | 1958-1962 |
Troy | Lindsay | Gray’s Creek | Cumberland | 4 | 2019-2023 |
C. C. | Lipscomb | Reidsville | Rockingham | 5 | 1962-1966 |
Herman | Little | Northeastern | Pasquotank | 1 | 2009-2013 |
A. L. | Lockamy | Mattamuskeet | Hyde | 1 | 1993-1995 |
Robert | Logan | Chatham County | Chatham | 5 | 2011-2013 |
Charles | Long | Farmville D.H. Conley | Pitt | 1 | 1997-2004 |
Rexanna | Lowman | East Burke Burke County | Burke | 7 | 2008-2013 |
John | Luciano | Manteo | Dare | 1 | 2019-2022 |
William | Ludwig | Salisbury | Rowan | 6 | 1957-1961 |
Raymond | Luper | Fayetteville | Cumberland | 4 | 1964-1968 |
Marsh | Lyall | Wilkes County | Wilkes | 7 | 1992-1995 |
Fred | Lynch | Laney | New Hanover | 2 | 2019-2023 |
Leon | Mack | Cumberland County | Cumberland | 4 | 2010-2014 |
Hank | Madden | Wilson | Wilson | 3 | 1951-1954 |
T. G. | Madison | Ragsdale | Guilford | 5 | 1976-1980 |
Glenn | Marlow | Henderson County | Henderson | 8 | 1980-1987 |
Shelly | Marsh | Johnston County | Johnston | 3 | 2010-2013 |
Jim | Martin | Stanly County | Stanly | 6 | 1984-1988 |
E. R. | Mason | White Oak Clinton | Onslow | 2 | 1995-1999 |
Brooks | Matthews | Triton Harnett County | Harnett | 4 | 2007-2012, 2016-2017 |
Joe | McArgo | Stoneville | Rockingham | 5 | 1981-1982 |
Andy | McCormick | Union Pines | Moore | 4 | 2021-Present |
Larry | McDonald | Southern Durham Durham County | Durham | 3 | 2003-2007 |
Jerry | McGee | N.C. Athletic Dir. Assoc. | Affiliate | 1 | 1991-2010 |
M. A. | McLeod | Stanford | Lee | 4 | 1956-1960 |
Willis | McLeod | Northampton County | Northampton | 3 | 1985-1988 |
Bob | McRae | Kings Mountain | Cleveland | 6 | 1990-2000 |
Jeanne | Meiggs | Currituck County | Currituck | 1 | 1988-1993 |
Ronnie | Mendenhall | Stokes County | Stokes | 5 | 2015-2016 |
Andy | Miller | Buncombe County | Buncombe | 8 | 1978-1982 |
Angie | Miller | Nash-Rocky Mount | Nash | 3 | 2011-2015 |
Joe | Miller | New Hanover County | New Hanover | 2 | 2003-2007 |
Bill | Miller | Polk County | Polk | 8 | 2009-2016 |
Darlene | Mobley | Roanoke | Halifax | 3 | 1997-2001 |
Frank | Mock | Kinston | Lenoir | 2 | 1951-54, 1957-59, 1964-68 |
Lynn | Moody | Rowan/Salisbury | Rowan | 6 | 2017-2019 |
Gene | Moore | Cleveland County | Cleveland | 6 | 1999-2006 |
Dan | Moore | Shelby | Cleveland | 6 | 1977-1980 |
Cathy | Moore | Wake County | Wake | 3 | 2019-2023 |
Tod | Morgan | Jones Sr. High | Jone | 2 | 2020-present |
W. K. | Morgan | Albemarle | Stanly | 6 | 1988-1992 |
Mac | Morris | N.C. Coaches Association | Affiliate | 5 | 1999-2015 |
Jeff | Morris | N.C. Athletic Dir. Assoc. | Affiliate | 6 | 2015-2019 |
Roger | Morton | Officials Regional Supervisors | Affiliate | 5 | 2006-2016 |
Richard | Murphy | East Wake, Sanderson | Wake | 3 | 1983-1989 |
W. A. | Murray | St. Stephens | Catawba | 7 | 1954-1957 |
John | Nelson | West Carteret | Carteret | 2 | 1985-1988 |
John | Nettles | Salisbury | Rowan | 6 | 1962-1967 |
Glenn | Nixon | Clayton | Johnston | 3 | 1979-1983 |
Chris | Norman | Shelby | Cleveland | 6 | 2007-2011 |
Donna | Norman | South Stokes | Stokes | 5 | 1979-1983 |
Thell | Overman | Wallace | Duplin | 2 | 1960-1963 |
Jesse T. | Parker | Weldon | Halifax | 3 | 1965-1969 |
Tony | Parker | Johnston County | Johnston | 3 | 2006-2008 |
Jerry | Paschal | Columbus County Whiteville | Columbus | 4 | 1978-1985 |
Don | Patrick | Newton-Conover | Catawba | 7 | 1983-1987 |
Marc | Payne | Watauga | Watauga | 7 | 1994-1998 |
Reggie | Peace | Lee Senior | Lee | 4 | 2014-2018 |
Benny | Pearce | Cumberland County | Cumberland | 4 | 1991-1995 |
E. P. | Pearce, Jr. | Greensboro | Guilford | 5 | 1960-1964 |
Scott | Penland | Clay County | Clay | 8 | 1994-1998 |
Vann | Pennell | Camden South Brunswick | Camden Brunswick | 1 2 | 2000-2008 |
Cliff | Phifer | Plymouth | Washington | 1 | 2000-2005 |
Bud | Phillips | N.C. Athletic Dir. Assoc. | Affiliate | 1 | 1987-1991 |
A. Craig | Phillips | Charlotte | Mecklenburg | 6 | 1966-1967 |
Don | Phipps | South Caldwell | Caldwell | 7 | 2023-Present |
Keith | Pittman | Edgecombe County | Edgecombe | 3 | 1986-1990 |
Allen | Plaster | East Forsyth | Forsyth | 5 | 2023-Present |
C. C. | Poindexter | Canton | Haywood | 8 | 1949-1952, 1954-1959 |
Joe | Poletti | Croatan West Carteret | Beaufort | 2 | 2012-2019 |
R. O. | Poplin | North Surry | Surry | 7 | 1972-1976 |
Lacy M. | Presnell, Jr. | Asheboro | Randolph | 5 | 1966-1969 |
Al | Proctor | NCDPI | Affiliate | 3 | 1984-1988 |
Gus | Purcell | Charlotte | Mecklenburg | 6 | 1960-1964 |
Ernie | Purnsley | Pinecrest | Moore | 4 | 2009-2013 |
William | Rattree | Fairmont | Robeson | 4 | 1957-1961 |
Joseph J. | Ray | Eastman | Halifax | 3 | 1972-1980 |
Harvey | Reid | Elm City | Wilson | 3 | 1975-1979 |
Len | Reynolds | Officials Regional Supervisors | Affiliate | 5 | 1995-1999 |
Raymond | Rhodes | NCDPI | Affiliate | 5 | 1959-1983 |
Doug | Rhoney | Alexander Central | Alexander | 7 | 2017-2018 |
Henry | Rice | Pamlico County | Pamlico | 2 | 2023-Present |
T. C. | Roberson | Asheville | Buncombe | 8 | 1964-1968 |
Ralph | Robertson | Richmond | Richmond | 4 | 2001-2005 |
J. M. | Robinson | Cabarrus County | Cabarrus Mecklenburg | 6 | 1966-1972, & 1974-1977 |
Kathy | Rogers | Ragsdale | Guilford | 5 | 2002-2006 |
Gene | Rogers | Martin County | Martin | 1 | 1981-1985 |
W. S. | Rogers | Roxboro | Person | 3 | 1948-1951 |
Bill | Rogers | Porter Ridge | Union | 6 | 2011-2015 |
C. Reid | Ross | Fayetteville | Cumberland | 4 | 1950-1954, & 1961-1963 |
A. P. | Routh | Greensboro | Guilford | 5 | 1948-1957 |
Melvin | Ruggles | Burke County | Burke | 7 | 1971-1975 |
Ed | Sadler | Gaston County | Gaston | 6 | 1997-2005 |
Carl | Salmon | Union Pines | Moore | 4 | 1987-1991 |
Tom | Salter | South Lenoir | Lenoir | 2 | 1991-1995 |
Edward | Sanders | Charlotte | Mecklenburg | 6 | 1959-1966 |
Charles | Sanderson | Hallsboro East Columbus | Columbus | 4 | 1990-1994 |
Jesse O. | Sanderson | Raleigh | Wake | 3 | 1965-1966 |
J. T. | Sasser | Whiteville | Columbus | 4 | 1956-1960 |
Dennis | Sawyer | Roanoke Rapids | Halifax | 3 | 2014-2015 |
Frank | Sells | Stokes County | Stokes | 5 | 1998-2002 |
Wallace | Shelton | Mount Airy | Surry | 7 | 1955-1962 |
H. S. | Shepherd | Maiden | Maiden | 8 | 1957-1961 |
O. L. | Sherrill | Asheville | Buncombe | 8 | 1986-1989 |
Allison | Sholar | First Flight Pender Currituck | Dare | 1 | 2005-2014 |
Bobbie | Short | Watauga County | Watauga | 7 | 2005-2008 |
Rodney | Shotwell | Macon Rockingham | Macon Rockingham | 8 5 | 2004-2008 2013-2018 |
Jim | Simeon | Lexington | Davidson | 5 | 1995-1999 |
A. J. | Simeon | High Point | Guilford | 5 | 1951-1954 |
Jerry | Simmons | New Bern | Craven | 2 | 2016-2022 |
Charles | Simmons | Hertford | Hertford | 1 | 2005-2009 |
Si | Simmons | Smoky Mountain | Jackson | 8 | 2005-2009 |
Ron | Singletary | Onslow County | Onslow | 2 | 2003-2007 |
E. C. | Sipe | Clinton | Sampson | 2 | 1960-1968 |
Chris | Skabo | West Wilkes | Wilkes | 7 | 2007-2011 |
Oliver | Smith | N.C. School Boards Assoc. | Affiliate | 2 | 1987-1999 |
Carole | Smith | Gates Camden | Gates Camden | 1 | 1988-1993 |
Brad | Sneeden | NCDPI | Affiliate | 3 | 1999-2004 |
Les | Spell | NCDPI | Affiliate | 2 | 2012-2013 |
Dale | Spencer | Wilmington | New Hanover | 2 | 1951-1953 |
Kathy | Spencer | Onslow County | Onslow | 2 | 2008-2013 |
Grady | Stafford | Wentworth | Rockingham | 5 | 1973-1977 |
Dwayne | Stallings | Perquimans | Perquimans | 1 | 2011-2015 |
Jan | Stanley | West Henderson | Henderson | 8 | 2001-2006 |
Bill | Steed | Davie County | Davie | 5 | 1991-1998 |
Scarlett | Steinert | Chapel Hill-Carrboro | Orange | 3 | 2015-2019 |
Karen | Stephens | Mitchell Davie | Mitchell Davie | 8 7 | 2002-2006 |
John | Swajkoski | Williams Graham | Alamance | 5 | 1991-1995 |
Paul | Sykes | Durham | Durham | 3 | 1949-1951 |
W. J. | Taylor | James Kenan | Duplin | 2 | 1972-1976 |
A. Woodrow | Taylor | Ahoskie | Hertford | 1 | 1960-1964 |
G. M. | Tennant | Tryon | Polk | 8 | 1982-1986 |
Dave | Thomas | Wayne County | Wayne | 3 | 1999-2002 |
Masanori | Toguchi | Hough | Mecklenburg | 6 | 2017-2020 |
Hugh | Tomberlin | Enka | Buncombe | 8 | 1959-1965 |
Roy | Turner | N.C. Athletic Dir. Assoc. | Affiliate | 2 | 2023-Present |
Tanya | Turner | Peraquimans County | Perquimans | 1 | 2021-present |
Travis | Twiford | Nash-Rocky Mount | Nash | 3 | 1993-1999 |
Brian | Tyson | Cabarrus County | Cabarrus | 6 | 2022-Present |
Bill | Upton | Pisgah | Haywood | 8 | 1989-1993 |
J. G. | Wagner | Washington | Washington | 1 | 1969-1973 |
Morris | Walker | Northwest Ashe | Ashe | 7 | 1971-1975 |
Julius | Walker | Washington County | Washington | 1 | 2008-2009 |
Jack | Wallace | Bath | Beaufort | 1 | 1973-1984 |
Modeal | Walsh | Graham County | Graham | 8 | 1970-1974, & 1976-1982 |
Joy | Warner | Community School of Davidson | Mecklenburg | 6 | 2019-2022 |
J. O. | Waters | Clayton | Johnston | 3 | 1953-1956 |
Everett | Waters | Onslow County | Onslow | 2 | 1975-1983 |
Jim | Watson | Lincoln County | Lincoln | 6 | 2004-2007 |
L. S. | Weaver | Durham | Durham | 3 | 1953-1958 |
Phil | Weaver, Jr. | N.C. Coaches Association | Affiliate | 5 | 1987-1999 |
Philip J. | Weaver, Sr. | Southern Pines, Greensboro | Moore, Guilford | 4 & 5 | 1949-1952, & 1958-1960 |
Rex | Wells | N.C. Athletic Dir. Assoc. | Affiliate | 8 | 2014-2015 |
Herbert | Wey | Boone | Watauga | 7 | 1950-1954 |
Mark | Whichard | SouthWest Edgecombe | Edgecombe | 3 | 2014-2018 |
Joe | White | N.C. School Boards Assoc. | Affiliate | 6 | 2006-2011 |
George | Whitfield | Richmond County | Richmond | 4 | 1986-1990 |
Bobby | Wilkins | Hendersonville | Henderson | 8 | 2016-2023 |
George S. | Willard, Jr. | Wilson | Wilson | 3 | 1971-1976 |
John | Williams | Northampton High | Northhampton | 3 | 2023-Present |
Larry | Williford | Farmville Central | Pitt | 1 | 2022-Present |
George | Wingfield | Reidsville | Rockingham | 5 | 1948-1949, & 1954-1956 |
Terry | Worrell | Asheboro | Randolph | 5 | 2015-2019 |
Frank | Yeager | Durham County | Durham | 3 | 1981-1985 |