North Carolina High School Athletic Association


a quick question concerning rules, regulations and policies of the North Carolina High School Athletic Association


Q: We have a NCHSAA playoff event scheduled between Schools A and B, to be played on the campus of B. We want to play at 4:30 p.m. Is that permissible?

A: The answer is no, at least without special NCHSAA permission. Rule 2.3.3 in the current edition of the Handbook speaks to starting times for contests. Playoff games are played under the auspices of the NCHSAA, so there are some specific parameters. Game time are set in football, lacrosse, baseball, soccer and softball, and the (e)(1) portion of the rule quoted above says that “teams may play at 6 p.m. in baseball, soccer, lacrosse and softball playoffs if mutually agreed upon. Any deviation from this must be approved by the NCHSAA.”