Coach & Captains Retreats
Designed to bring together coaches and team captains to develop leadership strategies, communication, team building, and role modeling. Parents are included in the retreat. The retreat–one early in the school year and one in the spring–is limited to a coach, a parent, and up to four rising captains. It is 10-12 hours in length. There is no cost for a school to send a team!
For more information on Coach & Captains Retreats, please click here
D.R.E.A.M. (Daring to Role model Excellence as Athletic Mentors) TEAM
Selected student athletes promote positive leadership skills and healthy lifestyles to elementary and middle school students. Criteria for Team selection begins with a commitment from the student athlete to remain drug-free. The D.R.E.A.M. Team's training prepares them to form a new kind of team whose goal is to present a united approach to young students to be academically and athletically successful.
For more information on D.R.E.A.M. Team, please click here
SASI (Student Athlete Summer Institute)
Designed to help student athletes develop leadership skills to serve as peer educators about Alcohol, Tobacco, and other Drugs abuse as well as developing mentoring skills. Student athletes must be rising sophomores, juniors, or seniors. A school sends at least 2 students plus an adult mentor, preferably a coach. There is no cost to the student athlete who attends; however, schools are asked to pay a $125 registration fee per student out of Safe and Drug Free Schools' money or other school funds.
Regional Directors
Central Region: Teresa Coleman (
Mountain Region: Dawn Lowe (
Northeastern Region: PJ Taylor (
Piedmont Region: Heather Holt ( and Rachel Davis (
Southeastern Region: Kenesha Simmons (
For more information on SASI, please click here
PATH (Peer Athlete Team Helpers)
A mentoring program for young athletes at risk of developing drug and alcohol problems as well as other behaviors destructive to their academic and athletic education. PATH joins young athletes (rookies) with trained, successful varsity athletes (mentors) in a relationship that benefits the athletes, their teams and their school. The athlete mentors help the rookies adjust to academics, school rules, organized sports and the school social world.
For more D.R.E.A.M. Team and PATH Information, contact either Mark Dreibelbis, or Chiquana Dancy,
Special Olympics North Carolina is, first and foremost, a sports organization made up of athletes of all ability levels, training and competing in Olympic-type sports. Special Olympics Project UNIFY is built upon the premise that in order to have the greatest impact, the change process needs to start with young people. Project UNIFY brings youth with and without intellectual disabilities together through education, sports and related initiatives that promote acceptance, respect and human dignity for all students.
A partnership between Special Olympics North Carolina and NCHSAA is a natural fit. This Unified Sports® collaboration introduces Project UNIFY’s theme of inclusion into the athletic departments. Together with the NCHSAA, Special Olympics North Carolina believes Project UNIFY will create change throughout the state through the joy of sports.
For more information on Project UNIFY, contact Chiquana Dancy ( or Andrea Stamm (